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Galilæana. Studies in Renaissance and Early Modern Science

Guidelines for Contributors


Please keep the footnotes brief. They should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Please place footnote numbers at the end of sentences, after punctuation.

Sources should be shortened whenever possible. The short form, as distinct from an abbreviation, should include enough information to remind readers of the full title or to lead them to the appropriate entry in the bibliography. Include page numbers when appropriate, after a comma.


  • Article source:

Giudice, “Tobie Matthew, Francis Bacon…”, 9.

  • Book source

Camerota, Galileo Galilei e la cultura scientifica nell’età della Controriforma, 319.

  • Archival source

BL, Ms. Harley 7014, ff. 221r-222v. [N.B.: expand abbreviation in References, e.g.: BL = British Library]


Quoted text may be run in to the main text and enclosed in “quotation marks”. A hundred words or more can generally be set off as a block quotation, which is not enclosed in quotation marks, and always start a new line. It is further distinguished from the surrounding text by being indented (from the left), separated from the main text by a double space, and set in smaller type. All foreign-language quotations shall be translated into the language of the article. Based on what is more relevant to the topic, the original text or its translation can be provided in a footnote.


Unfortunately, we do not know how Matthew managed to obtain a copy of Galileo’s Letter to Castelli, whom he refers to as “a monk of my acquaintance in Italy”.

As Matthew himself wrote in the account of his conversion, on 4 May 1606 in the Basilica della Santissima Annunziata a Jesuit named Lelio Tomei “admitted me [...] to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar”.26

[Footnote = 26 Matthew, A True Historical Relation of the Conversion of Sir Tobie Matthew, 54.]

It is a rather long missive in the first part of which Matthew asked Bacon to support the cause for his return to England, while in the second part he informed Bacon that he was sending him a part of Galileo’s Letter to Castelli of 21 December 1613, concerning the relationship between Copernicanism and the text of the Bible. In the letter Matthew wrote to Bacon:

I presume to send you the copy of a piece of a letter, which Galileo, of whom I am sure, you have heard, wrote to a monk of my acquaintance in Italy, about the answering of that place in Joshua, which concerns the sun’s standing still, and approving thereby the pretended falshood of Copernicus’s opinion.

And since, moreover, “it is very probable and reasonable” that the Sun gives motion to all the planets that revolve around it, Galileo concluded,

if in conformity with Copernicus’ position the diurnal motion is attributed to the Earth, anyone can see that it suffices stopping the Sun to stop the whole system, and thus to lengthen the period of the diurnal illumination without altering in any way the rest of the mutual relationships of the planets; and that is exactly how the words of the sacred text sound. (OG, V, 288)


Punctuation follows quotation marks, e.g., “punctuation follows quotation marks”; unless it is part of the quoted text itself.

  • Dashes and hyphens

Do not use em-dash —

Use en-dash – for parenthetical sentences

Use hyphens to join two extremes of an interval: page interval, dates, years, etc…: 1975-2016; 7-9 March 2021; 142-148.

(do not abridge page intervals: 1442-1448; not 1442-8)

Single quotation marks (‘ ’) should be used to lend particular emphasis to a term or expression.


References to texts by Galileo published in the Edizione Nazionale delle Opere, edited by Antonio Favaro, should be cited using the abbreviation OG, followed by the volume in Roman numerals and of the pages in Arabic numerals. Example: OG, XV, 32-33.

In some cases, it may be appropriate to subdivide a bibliography into sections:
{1} when it includes manuscript sources, archival collections, or other materials that do not fit into a straight alphabetical list; in this case, a "Manuscript sources, archival collections, and unpublished materials" (or similar) subhead should appear. References to OG (see above) ad ad hoc abbreviations should be listed here;
{2} when readers need to see at a glance the distinction between different kinds of works - for example, in a study of one author, between works by the author and those about them; in this case, the sections should be introduced by an explanatory subhead (e.g.: "Cited works by Leibniz" and "Other works cited").


  • one author:

Moretti, Franco. Graphs Maps Trees. Abstract Models for a Literary Theory. London-New York: Verso, 2005.

  • two or three authors:

Lowi, Theodore, Benjamin Ginsberg, and Steve Jackson. Analyzing American Government: American Government, Freedom and Power. New York: Norton, 1994.

  • more than three authors:

Lowi, Theodore, Benjamin Ginsberg, Steve Jackson, et al. Analyzing American Government: American Government, Freedom and Power. New York: Norton, 1994.

  • Editor/Editors:

Jacobs, Sue-Ellen, Wesley Thomas, and Sabine Lang, eds. Two-Spirit People: Native American Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Spirituality. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1997.

  • Citing specific editions

Aristotle. Complete Works of Aristotle: The Revised Oxford Translation. Edited by Jonathan Barnes. 2 vols. Bollingen Series. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1983.

  • Translations

Always include the original edition after the English translation you are using, e.g.: Perec, George. Life… Trans. Name Surname. Or. ed. La vie mode d’emploi. Paris: Hachette, 1978.

Chapter in edited book

  • Single-author

Phibbs, Brendan. "Herrlisheim: Diary of a Battle". In The Other Side of Time: A Combat Surgeon in World War II, 117-163. Boston: Little, Brown, 1987.

  • Multiauthor

Carr, Anne, and Douglas ]. Schuurman. "Religion and Feminism: A Reformist Christian Analysis". In Religion, Feminism, and the Family, edited by Anne Carr and Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen, 14-16. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 1996.

  • Letters in published collections

White, E.B. Letters of E. B. White. Edited by Dorothy Lobrano Guth. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.

  • Unpublished letters → see Manuscripts collections

Journal article

An Author. “The Title of the Journal Article”. Journal Title volume, number (year): 1-23. e.g.:

  • Raposo, Pedro M.P. “Recounting the Orbs: Planetary Models and the Idea of Discovery in Astronomy, 1780–1850”. Nuncius 35, 2 (2020), 274-299. doi: 10.1163/18253911-03502005.

Articles in languages other than English

  • Kern, Wilhelm. "Waar verzamelde Pigafetta zijn Maleise woorden?". Tijdschrift voor Indische taal-, land- en volken- kunde 78 (1938), 271-273.

Weekly or monthly (or bimonthly) magazines, even if numbered by volume and issue, are usually cited by date only.

Dissertation, thesis, conference paper

  • Thesis and dissertations

Bryan Patrick Casey. “Against the Materialists: John Carew Eccles, Karl Raimund Popper, and the Ghost in the Machine” (PhD diss., Yale University, 2009).

  • Lectures, conference papers, meetings and the like...

Teplin, Linda A., Gary M. McClelland, Karen M. Abram, and Jason J. Washburn. “Early Violent Death in Delinquent Youth: A Prospective Longitudinal Study”. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychology-Law Society, La Jolla, 25 March 2005.

Manuscripts collections

Full identification of most unpublished material usually requires giving the title and date of the item, series title (if applicable), name of the collection, and name of the depository.

Footnote: AMP, Gilbert McMicken to Alexander Morris, 29 November 1881, Glasgow (Scotland), Document 1359, fol. 1r.

Archival reference entry:

AMP = Alexander Morris Papers, MG-12-84, Provincial Archives of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

House, Edward M., Papers. Yale University Library.

Web resources

For magazine articles consulted online, include a URL (or DOl, if available) at the end of a citation

Mead, Rebecca, “Isn't It Romantic?”, New Yorker, 21 July 2008, <>.


All figures must be cited consecutively in the text. Figures should be submitted as separate source files in .tif, .jpg, .png or .eps format, and specifically not in Word or Excel. The files should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi at a width of 13cm. The text in a figure must be legible, and should not be smaller than point 7. The size of this lettering for any text in a figure or in graphs/charts should be the same for all figures in the manuscript.

Clearly mark in the text where each illustration needs to be inserted (e.g. [[Fig. 1]] ). This will be an approximate location as exact placement can only be determined at the time of typesetting. Make sure that the illustrations are clearly numbered and that the same number is used in the text and in a list of illustrations.

Always provide captions for your illustrations at the end of the manuscript. Source information or copyright credits should only be mentioned in the captions themselves. Please be sure that any illustrative materials that are not your own (whether re-drawn or not) is under the Public Domain or a CC 4.0-compatible license. When using photos, maps, figures, or other images, it is important to ascertain whether or not copyright subsists in them; whether your use of them falls under an exception to the copyright rules; who the copyright owner is; how to make your permission request. Please do contact the journal editorial staff for further clarification on this.


Cf. = compare to

et al.= and others; can be used in footnotes for works by multiple authors and in bibliographic entries for works with more than three authors (see example above).

etc. = et cætera

f. / ff. = folio

fig. = figure

Ibidem / Ibid.

Id./Ead. = same author; can be used when multiple works by the same author(s) are referred to subsequently

Infra = this work, subsequent page(s)

misc. = miscellaneous

MS / MSS = manuscript(s)

n. = note

r = recto

tab. = table

trans. = translation / translated by

v = verso

vol. / vols. = volume