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Vol. 20 No. 1 (2023)

Jerónimo Muñoz and Juan Cedillo Díaz: the Sun as the ‘heart of the world’ in the debate on Copernicus

23 February 2023


The article examines the different evaluations of Copernicus and heliocentrism by the two most important Spanish astronomers between 1543 and 1633, Jerónimo Muñoz and Juan Cedillo, focusing on the motif of the Sun as the ‘heart of the world’. This motif, positively added by Cedillo in his manuscript translation of De revolutionibus (I, 10), had been employed by Muñoz in the criticism of Copernicus in his manuscript Latin translation of Theon’s Commentary on Ptolemy’s Almagest (Biblioteca Nazionale, Naples) as an unacceptable denomination of the Sun. Although the motif could have come to Cedillo from other sources (ancient and medieval tradition; not ultimately Peurbach and Clavius) we argue for the possibility that Cedillo received it from the oral teaching of Muñoz at the university of Salamanca. We show that Muñoz’s critique of heliocentrism and the motion of the Earth is related to his elimination of the celestial spheres and his adherence to the Alpetragian model of a single planetary motion from east to west, together with the attribution to the planets of a ‘spiral’ motion.


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